
Cedar River Neighborhood
Pinewood Derby Rules
The weight of each car will not exceed 5 Ounces. The official scale will be used for all racers, at both the pack and the invitational races.
Wheels will not be modified. Imperfections may be removed, but the wheels must remain flat. Only BSA wheels can be used.
Wheel bearings, washers, and bushings are prohibited.
The car will not ride on springs.
Only the official Cub Scout Grand Prix Pinewood Derby wheels and body are permitted.
Only dry lubricant is permitted. (Graphite powder.)
Detailing is allowed as long as the car stays within the size limits;
W-2.75 in, L-7 in,
Width of the wheels-1.75 in
Bottom clearance between the car and the track is 3/8 of an inch.
The car must be freewheeling with no starting devices.
Each car must pass inspection by the officials at the race before it may race.
If there is a problem with the car, the owner will be notified, and will be given the opportunity to correct the problem, within the normal weigh in time.
If a car loses weights or details during a race, they will not be reattached.
All weights will be secured before the race. Tape will not be allowed.
If a car interferes with another car during a race, the heat will be redone. If it happens again, the car will be disqualified.
Owners must be present to race. Owner will point our the front of their car, and watch it being put on the track to make sure that it is being raced correctly.
All graphite must be added before the final weigh in.
After the final inspection, the cars may not be touched by anyone except the racing officials.
Winners will be chosen by the single fastest time, not an average of the times.
Each car will be raced once on each of the four lanes.
If there is a tie, on all four times, the car involved will be raced again on all four tracks to determine a winner.
The cars must be made during this scouting year. No cars are allowed from previous years.
If a car misses the weigh in time for their division, they will not be allowed to race. Please be on time.
Remember this is a Scout race. Parents need to show good sportsmanship, as well as the youth.
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