Program: Adventures and Activities

Den Meetings

Dens are made up of scouts in the same grade: K-Lions, 1-Tigers, 2-Wolves, 3-Bears, 4-Webelos, 5-Arrow of Light ("Webelos" is a word made up from the phrase "We'll be loyal scouts")

During the school year, dens meet twice a month and work together (and with family) to learn and practice the adventures in their books in order to earn their emblem-patch.  

Each emblem requires the completion of 6 required adventures and a minimum of 2 elective adventures, but scouts can complete more adventures if they wish. They earn a "belt-loop" for each completed adventure.

The required adventures center around Character & Leadership, Outdoors, Personal Fitness, Citizenship, Personal Safety, and Family & Reverence. 

Pack Meetings

The pack is made up of all the dens.

We meet once a month for speakers, service projects or a fun activity.

There are several events we do every year, such as the Raingutter Regatta, Pinewood Derby, or the Troop's Haunted Hallway. 



There are several events we take part in every year with other groups:

November: Flag folding and Flag retirement at the VFW

March: Scouting for Food

April: Clean up Austin

July: 4th of July Parade with the VFW


All our camping is through our council: The Twin Valley Council

They own three campgrounds, were they host several day camps and overnight camps through the year:

Cedar Point Scout Camp in Fairmont MN

Norseland Scout Camp in St Peter MN

Cuyuna Scout Camp Near Cross Lake MN


All shooting sports events are run by the council.

(All scouts can take part in archery and slingshots. 1-5 can use bb guns.)